Top Factors That Determines Your LASIK Surgery Eligibility

L ASIK is proven to be the best eye surgery that can help people achieve their best vision. It's a painless, efficient, and quite affordable treatment, which has turned out to be very successful in nearly most of its cases. However, there are certain eye conditions, which hold back people from undergoing the surgery. One of the reasons behind the success rate of LASIK is pre-scanning the eyes and not recommending the procedure to patients who hold higher risk possibilities. The primary reason for the consultation before Lasik eye surgery doctors is to determine whether you are the right candidate for LASIK or not. And if so, which of the LASIK procedures best suit your eyes is figured out further. So, if you wish to know what are the factors that determine your candidacy to undergo LASIK surgery, sticking to the article will help you get all your answers. Age – To be eligible for the surgery, a candidate must be at least 18 years old. Eye Injury – Patients who ha...